Orange County
Discounts for Veterans: Orange County
As part of the “RETURN THE FAVOR” Discount Program, the County Clerk’s office will issue eligible county residents an I.D. card, identifying them as a qualified and honorably discharged veteran who served actively in the US military (Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or Merchant Marines) and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.
Orange County Veteran’s Services
Christian Farrell CFarrell@orangenygov.com, (845)-291-2470
Matt Healy mhealy@orangecountygov.com
MHA of Orange County/ Vet 2 Vet Orange County
Larry Neumann, (845)-421-2132
The Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Council of Orange County
6 Wesley Court, Middletown NY 10941
Winslow Therapeutic
Winslow offers a variety of programs at our facility and therefore requires the assistance of individuals from diverse professional backgrounds. Because of this diversity, Winslow’s team is unique and experienced. Adaptive Riding Instructors are certified as Therapeutic Riding Instructors by the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship, Intl. (PATH Intl.) and many of them also hold additional certifications both from PATH Intl. and other industry credentialing bodies.
1433 Route 17A, Warwick NY 10990
Sue Ferro, Executive Director, Sue@Winslow.org
United Way of Dutchess & Orange
Dial 211 or Melissa Clark, (845)-471-1900 x3128
75 Market Street, Poughkeepsie NY 12601
Fresh Connections
Orange County veterans are eligible for the State’s “Fresh Connect coupons” at the Goshen Farmers Market this summer. The Fresh Connect Coupon program provides 10 $2 coupons to service members and their immediate families.
Crazy Cat Lady Therapy for Veterans
To serve our veterans by inspiring and uniting them through a community of compassion, respect, dignity, and accountability. To provide alternative therapies without medical intervention through psycho-education, creative art workshops (i.e. poetry, charcoal drawing), and empowering activities (i.e. yoga, hikes).
Dutchess County
Discounts for Veterans: Dutchess County
As part of the “RETURN THE FAVOR” Discount Program, the County Clerk’s office will issue eligible county residents an I.D. card, identifying them as a qualified and honorably discharged veteran who served actively in the US military (Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or Merchant Marines) and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.
Dutchess County Veterans Services
85 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 105, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
MHA of Dutchess/ Vet 2 Vet Dutchess County
Mobile crisis team
Addiction recovery services
Chemical dependency crisis center
Community care management
Depression screening
Housing and shelter services
(845)-473-2500 x1307
Andrew O’Grady, aogrady@mhadutchess.org
United Way of Dutchess & Orange
Dial 211 or Melissa Clark, (845)-471-1900 x3128
75 Market Street, Poughkeepsie NY 12601
Ulster County
Discounts for Veterans: Ulster County
As part of the “RETURN THE FAVOR” Discount Program, the County Clerk’s office will issue eligible county residents an I.D. card, identifying them as a qualified and honorably discharged veteran who served actively in the US military (Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or Merchant Marines) and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.
Ulster Country Veterans Services
Mark Cozzupoli, Director
5 Development Court, Kingston, NY 12401
United Way Ulster County
450 Albany Avenue, Kingston NY 12401
Amy Summers, (845)-331-4199×4
Sullivan County
Discounts for Veterans: Sullivan County
As part of the “RETURN THE FAVOR” Discount Program, the County Clerk’s office will issue eligible county residents an I.D. card, identifying them as a qualified and honorably discharged veteran who served actively in the US military (Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or Merchant Marines) and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.
United Way Sullivan County
33 Lakewood Avenue, Monticello NY 12701
Julian Dawson, (845)-794-1771
Sullivan County Veterans Service Agency
Martha Scopppa, (845)-807-0257
Sullivan County Veterans Services
John Crotty Director, (845)-807-0233
County Government Center, 100 North Street, Monticello, NY 12701
Putnam County
Vet 2 Vet of Putnam County
All Vet 2 Vet Warm Line staffed by Veterans 24/7 Open to Vets & Loved Ones (914) 519-8097
Housing and Job Services
VA Hudson Valley Health Care System
Offering Healthcare services to all Veterans who are eligible to receive care at a Veterans Affairs Hospital
Lenox Okall – Veterans Outreach Coordinator – (845)-831-2000 ext. 217721 or 21560
Carl Lofaro Carl.Lofaro@va.gov, (914)-454-0959
Cullen Lyons Cullen.lyons@va.gov
Hudson River Housing, Inc.
Affordable housing, rent and mortgage assistance, job training, free transportation, care management, and referrals to services
Julio Ronda, (845)-702-6759, jronda@hudsonriverhousing.org
Vet Zero
Tom Zurhellen, Commander Tom
Christa Hines, 845)-454-5716 x113, chines@hudsonriverhousing.org
Silent Professionals
Your source for vetted defense and private security jobs and personnel
U.S. Government
Find your fit in the federal government
Career OneStop
Veteran and Military Transition Center is a one-stop website for employment, training, and financial help after military service
My Next Move
This website helps you learn more about different career options and lets you search for jobs
Helmets to Hardhats
This website helps connect veterans to careers in the building and construction trades
US Department of Labor Veterans Services
Troops to Teachers
Helps service members and veterans become certified and employed as teachers in K-12 schools.
The Veteran’s Guide to Solar Jobs
Mental Health, Health, Federal, and Other Resources
National Resource Directory
The NRD is a database of validated resources that supports recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration for service members, veterans, family members, and caregivers.
Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents, and Survivors
A list of Federal benefits available for veterans, their dependents, and survivors
Veterans Crisis Hot Line
Open to Vets & Loved Ones 1-800-273-8255, Press 1
Clear Path for Veterans
Clear Path for Veterans serves veterans, military members, and their families unconditionally, regardless of era and branch of
service, disability status, or characterization of discharge. It is that simple. We welcome all veterans and their family members,
supporting their journey home with world class experiences, life-altering programs, and enriching direct services at our main campus on 78 acres of fields and woodlands, offering miles of beautiful views and peaceful walking trails. We do so because when veterans thrive, communities thrive – and for us, there is no more important mission.
We Have Your Six
Local resource for diagnosis, assistance, and treatment for veterans with PTSD
Bill Bennett, (914)-522-3771, Topcoat69@aol.com
YIT Foundation
The YIT Foundation strives to raise awareness of premature births, offer assistance to preemies (and their families), and provide a place to stay or transportation while the babies are in NICU.
Sharon Toney-Finch, (845)-493-0826, Sharontoney-finch@yitfoudation.org
Veteran Suicide Prevention Locations
This map helps you locate the 500+ locations to find information on preventing veteran suicide.
Veteran Addiction Recovery Guide
The Boca Recovery Center has created an in-depth guide that includes contributing factors and assistance available for those suffering from substance abuse. As a group, veterans often struggle with addiction. Substance use disorders and substance abuse are fairly common among those who have served in the military.
Veteran Vision and Ophthalmology Guide
A free digital guide covering common eye conditions, services and resources available, how the VA assists, and more.
The Veterans Guide mission is to assist veterans with the array of issues they may face, including obtaining proper disability compensation, financial assistance, information on the GI bill, and more. They have created some helpful guides and will continuously be adding more. Mental health conditions are one of the most common issues that veterans face after their service.