Orange County Veteran Suicide Prevention Coalition
March 29 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

This Saturday, from 10:00am – 3:00pm, stop by and visit with the Orange County Veteran Suicide Prevention Coalition, who will put out a veteran information table at Thruway Sporting Goods to hand out veteran crisis materials and veteran benefit information. There will be information on Middletown Vet Center and Heroes, Cowboys & Companions as well. The event is on Saturday, March 29th from 10am until 3pm and will be held at Thruway Sporting Goods located at 78 Oak Street Walden, New York.
The coalition has already placed over 48,000 suicide prevention materials in over 1,200 businesses and organizations located near Orange County, New York. The coalition hopes to reach even more people with their message. In addition, information will be available on preventing senior citizen fraud and materials on the opioid crisis with a view towards preventing drug use by our young people. Information on the Orange County District Attorney’s Youth Fishing Derby which starts April 1st will also be available.